Month: December 2020

Obstinate vs Perseverance

These two words are so similar! They both represent or express an attitude.  They both consist in keeping the same action over a certain period.  They both face criticism.  However,  only one of them promotes growth and success.

Make sure to show up, and please…

I’ve been told and after times I’ve confirmed, for myself, the importance of always showing up in business.   The right positioning you guide the best way to show up before the clients.    Another important fact I’ve realized is this… don’t show off! To be genuine is better than passing an unsustainable image.

‘How to get it’ follows ‘why to get it’

The sentence above is such a simple one. However, it brings a paradigm challenge. Swapping one by the other has huge impacts. One focuses on meaning and sustainability; it is more harmonious, whereas the other is based on impulsivity, short-acting, and, ultimately, impersonal.